Some of you may be familiar with potato skordalia, Greek garlic, and mashed potato dip.
Not feeling like having anything starchy, I made Carrot Skordalia with mashed carrots instead. It was garlicky. Strongly and delightfully garlicky. My husband doesn’t eat anything with uncooked garlic so he had a few forkfuls and stopped.
I, on the other hand, kept going; dipping my green beans and sweet potato chips until I was full. It took a couple of brushings and mouth rinses to get rid of the garlic breath but it was worth it.
So this is at the same time an encouragement to make this deliciously garlicky and nutty dip and a warning that you may not exactly be kissable for a couple of hours.
But hey, what the heck; eating is more important than kissing! At least most of the time. Right? Wrong? Any thoughts?
Carrot Skordalia Recipe
Makes about 2 cups
- 5 medium carrots, peeled and chopped
- Sea salt and freshly ground pepper
- ½ cup pecans
- 6 garlic cloves, peeled
- ½ cup extra virgin olive oil
- 1 ½ tablespoon red wine vinegar
Place the carrots in a medium pot and cover with water. Cover the pot with a lid and cook the carrots over medium heat until very tender, 25 to 30 minutes.
Drain the carrots. Season them with salt and pepper to taste.