I’ve had a lot on my plate this week. I have been too busy to cook. Too busy to blog.
Too busy to do anything save such lifesaving necessities as eating and Twitter. I have even missed my Thursday Jewish Moroccan recipe under the load of travel, workshops, handouts and exams.
Let’s just say that I’ve allowed things to get a bit overwhelming lately but I’m working on getting my act together again and hoping to get back to my routine soon.
Ezekiel bread is known as God’s recommended food to Prophet Ezekiel. It is made with lentils, spelt, millet, wheat, barley and other grains.
It is rich in protein and has that hearty whole grain taste that’s so deliciously satisfying.
The one I buy is made entirely with sprouted grains compressed together into a tortilla, and doesn’t contain yeast or oil. It is flourless but not gluten-free.
It is sold frozen and has to be kept refrigerated and lightly toasted before use.
Give Ezekiel bread a try. It’s a high quality, super nutritious bread to add to your diet. And by all means, reserve some for making these chips.
Ezekiel Chips Recipe
4 servings
- 2 Ezekiel tortillas
Preheat the oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit.
Simply cut or tear the tortillas into bite-sized triangles or squares, arrange them in a single layer on a baking sheet and toast them in the oven for about 8 minutes.
If you wish, you may brush them with some olive oil and sprinkle them with some sea salt prior to toasting.